Thursday, May 15, 2008

La Garderie

I have started going to a place called the "halte garderie." It is a place where they put lots of kids together without their parents! It is pretty nice. They have big playmats, and a little corner for the "bébés." For some reason they keep trying to put me in the "coin bébé" even though I am a big boy! I don't understand that at all. It reminds me of when my parents refuse to let me slide off the couch so that I can walk around on my own. Everyone is always trying to hold me back.

I discovered a new food I like - Cheerios! Mommy was complaining about them because apparently the multi-national corporation Nestlé only makes sweet cheerios, whereas on her home planet she can have plain cheerios. But I have to say, they taste pretty good!

I like bathtime, as you can see from the big smile on my face! I get to sit up and splash water around. Plus I have my own rubber ducky!

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