Monday, May 12, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I guess you've noticed I've been away for a while! My life has been terribly exciting in the past month, so I've hardly had any time to update my blog. But I finally have a few moments to look back on all of the wonderful things I have been doing! First, there was Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's visit to Toulouse. We had a lot of fun jogging, walking, and shopping. They liked to take me to the market, too! Here we are relaxing at home.

Then I went to spend time with my other grandparents, Mabé and Papé, in Trets, not to mention my great-grandparents, Pageo and Nanou. I started to discover all sorts of wonderful things, like Léo Le Chien. Plus I learned how to slide backwards on my tummy. I'm finding it to be quite practical for getting around, except when I end up stuck under an armchair! One of these days I might try going forwards, but I think backwards is pretty fun. You never know where you might end up. I also started trying lots of new foods and even ate my first cookie! I have almost four teeth now, which is going to come in handy for eating all the things that Mommy and Daddy seem to like to eat.

After Trets, we went to La Rouine to pick up Daddy. He and Papé took me to see snow! I hadn't seen snow since I was a little baby in New York. It was quite tiring going through all that snow. Afterwards I was happy to relax with Mabé for a while.

I also saw something really exciting in the Alps - little lambs! I don't have any pictures of them, but they were very cute. Not as cute as me, of course, but they reminded me of my stuffed animal Noé l'Agneau. He sleeps with me at night and I like to chew on his ears.

I also developed a new interest in watercolor painting. Actually, to be honest, my real interest is in eating paper, but I have been learning about a few other things on the side, too!

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