Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quoi de neuf?

Mommy and Daddy have been so busy unpacking things from boxes (including my beloved swing!) that they haven't had a chance to update my blog! So I bet you are wondering what I have been doing.

Well, first off, we got back to France, and we went to visit Mabé and Papé for a weekend. It was quite relaxing.

Then, Mommy went to work for a few days so I got to stay home with Daddy. It was fun hanging out, just us guys.

And there's one more big thing - I started eating solid foods! Well, they call them solids, but they are still pretty mushy. So far, I like sweet potatoes, but I'm not sure about zucchini. I like carrots when they're nice and mushy too. But my favorite thing in the whole world, besides Mommy's milk, is apple sauce!!!