Friday, November 6, 2009

Lucia has a blog!

Lucia decided my blog wasn't good enough for her and she wanted her own! You can see it at

I guess that means I can use my blog to talk about me! I have been learning lots and lots of new things, like how to stand on my head, how to draw a dog, how to count to five, and how to clean.

I have also been going to a new halte-garderie with new toys. I wasn't so sure about it at first but now I like it. I have learned lots of new songs there, and they're all in French! I like to sing "les petits poissons" for Lucia when she is in her bath. She likes it!

I don't have any new pictures right now, but I thought I should share this picture of me with my birthday cake!

I love blowing out candles!

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