Monday, March 3, 2008


We went on a walk with my friend Titouan. My parents and some friends of theirs came along too. Here I am with Titouan's daddy.

We visited the ruins of a castle, plus we saw the Pyrenees. One day I am going to play in the snow up there!

In other news, I graduated from my baby sign language class last week. I learned a lot of new songs and signs to go with them. Most of the songs were about fish. I have never seen a fish, but my parents like to sing songs about fish when I am taking my bath. (I have started taking my baths in the big bathtub, with my big rubber duckie and my little rubber duckie.) Anyway, I liked the new songs, but my favorite songs are still "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "The Hokey Pokey" because I get to jump around when Mommy sings them.

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