Monday, November 26, 2007

10 weeks old

Well, it's been an exciting 10 weeks so far. My, how time flies. I thought that since I am so much older and wiser than I was 10 weeks ago, I should take the time to reflect on everything I've learned.

These days I am full of smiles. Everything is just so funny! I like to look at people's faces and smile at them, especially if they smile at me.

I'm enjoying cooing and making other noises. I'm already pretty good at the French "r"! Sometimes I say "agoo" and sometimes I say "areu."

I can almost hold up my head, which makes things difficult for my parents, because I am always trying to push away from them to get a better view! I like to look out the big window in our bedroom at the moon and the Apollo Theater.

Of course, I am quite an expert at swinging. There's nothing like a good swing! Really the best thing about it is that you get a really good view of what's going on. I like to observe my parents as they eat their dinner. I can't wait till I get to sit with them.

And just yesterday I learned how to roll over onto one side! I'm still practicing, but check me out in this picture - I got here all by myself.

And I weigh 12 lbs 10 oz! (That's 5.7 kg.) I just love Mommy's milk!

1 comment:

Kadima said...

Wow! What a great writer! You should write short pieces and publish them on the web. You're never too young to publish. You're already a better writer than Jonathan Safran Foer and Dara Horn. Don't listen to people who say you need to be like 40 years old and have lots of experience before you can publish.