Monday, December 31, 2007

Snow Bunny

Switzerland is fun! It looks like a big cake, and there is cheese everywhere. My friend Ivan says that Swiss cheese doesn't always have holes, though. We have been eating a wide variety of Swiss specialties. First we went to a big castle to eat raclette, which is melted cheese, then we went to Gruyère to eat a roesti, which is melted cheese, then we had a fondue, which is melted cheese. Here I am placing my order at the raclette restaurant. Did I mention it was all-you-can-eat?

We also went snowshoeing. That was fun! I got to wear the new sunglasses that Tonton Jérôme gave me.

Snowshoeing was a lot of work! Especially for me. Afterwards it was time to drink hot chocolate.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


We went walking in the mud today. I got to ride with Mommy, all bundled up in her coat! Then I got to ride with Daddy, and we got lost in the fields. Daddy says that happens all the time when Papé is the one with the map, so I'd better get used to it.

Yesterday I stayed up until 1 in the morning so that I could enjoy the party. I don't understand why everyone likes to sit at the table and talk. It's boring. And when I ask questions, no one answers me. Or at least, no one gives me any good answers. And they seem to ignore my opinions on politics and economics. I did like opening presents, though. I got toys, and clothes, and the letters to spell NOE. Though Mommy says it can also spell ONE. That is silly. After the party I went to sleep and didn't wake up until 11 in the morning! Mommy had to wake me up to eat, and then I went back to sleep all by myself. Mommy and Daddy think I'm the best baby ever.

We also took a picture of me with my Daddy, Papé, and my great-grandfather Pageo. What do you think, is there a family resemblance? I'm the cutest, of course...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Joyeux Noé!

We decided to start celebrating Christmas a day early so that we could see Amandine and Manu. They're fun! Here I am with the Christmas tree. You might not be able to see me, because I am disguising myself as a big present!

I thought the dinner was kind of long, especially since I didn't get to eat any of it, but after dinner we got to open presents.

Here I am with my first Christmas present:

It was from Amandine and Manu. I told you they were fun! I thought the present was pretty nice all wrapped up in paper, but it was even more fun once Daddy opened it for me. It's a big orange cat! Meow! Everyone kept talking about how it was organic. I hope they don't want to eat my cat! Then how will I play with it?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Blue Bear

I know everyone wants to see what I look like close-up in my stroller...I look like a big blue teddy bear!

I have been having fun playing on my new playmat. In French it is called a "tapis d'éveil." Mine has an elephant and a hippo on it!I love my new playmat because it is soft and makes funny noises. But the people who made this one must not trust little babies, because they put the toys too high up for me to reach without sitting on my Boppy! Check it out - I am moving my hands so fast that they can't be captured on film! I am going to be a card-shark when I grow up, I bet. Maybe Pop-pop will teach me some tricks.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Quelle Aventure!

Yesterday was full of surprises. First, we got into a big car, then we got into a big plane, then a smaller plane, then another car! Everything moved a lot, even more than a swing!

Now we are in a fun place with lots of new toys. I will have to take some pictures of them before too long. At the moment I only have a picture of me wearing my Papé's hat from when he was very small like me.

What do you think? Am I looking very Provençal?

Last night I slept in a big crib for the first time, but it didn't bother me. I slept for 6 hours, then another 4 hours. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of me.

We also took a walk to see all the dogs of the neighborhood. We saw big dogs, little dogs, scary dogs, and nice dogs. It was sunny and I got to ride in my new stroller.

Anyway, I think this international travel stuff is pretty easy. I am ready to travel around the world!

Monday, December 17, 2007

3 months old!

Today I am three months old! Don't you think babies should get a birthday party every month? After all, I am twice as big as I was when I was born. That is cause for celebration!

Mommy and Daddy have lots of boxes in the apartment, but none of them seem to have presents for me in them. In fact, they have been taking apart my toys (even my beloved swing!) and hiding them from me! What is that all about?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Still a Runaway Bunny

My bags are packed. Who wants to run away with me?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Am I a little angel, or what?

I went for a record time of 7.5 hours between meals last night. Unfortunately I wasn't actually sleeping all that time, but Daddy and I had a fun time playing at midnight! The game was called "Pretend to Sleep." Daddy would sing and rock me, and I would close my eyes and pretend to be sleepy, but then ta da! -
I would open them again. Funny, huh?

Friday, December 7, 2007


Etre Superbaby, c'est du travail!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Winter Wonderland

So what's up with all this white stuff? Hmm, it kind of looks like milk...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Up and up

I'm working on holding my head up by myself. It's very practical for looking around at things. After all, sometimes my parents don't take me to look at the things I want to, which can be very frustrating. It's really time to take matters into my own hands. After I learn to hold my head up, I'm going to work on rolling over. Think how much fun that will be!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


My parents have been talking about something called "moving." I hope we're going somewhere fun! I think Africa sounds nice. I am, after all, an expert at catching giraffes!

Monday, November 26, 2007

10 weeks old

Well, it's been an exciting 10 weeks so far. My, how time flies. I thought that since I am so much older and wiser than I was 10 weeks ago, I should take the time to reflect on everything I've learned.

These days I am full of smiles. Everything is just so funny! I like to look at people's faces and smile at them, especially if they smile at me.

I'm enjoying cooing and making other noises. I'm already pretty good at the French "r"! Sometimes I say "agoo" and sometimes I say "areu."

I can almost hold up my head, which makes things difficult for my parents, because I am always trying to push away from them to get a better view! I like to look out the big window in our bedroom at the moon and the Apollo Theater.

Of course, I am quite an expert at swinging. There's nothing like a good swing! Really the best thing about it is that you get a really good view of what's going on. I like to observe my parents as they eat their dinner. I can't wait till I get to sit with them.

And just yesterday I learned how to roll over onto one side! I'm still practicing, but check me out in this picture - I got here all by myself.

And I weigh 12 lbs 10 oz! (That's 5.7 kg.) I just love Mommy's milk!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I have tamed the wild beast!

Friday, November 23, 2007

My First Thanksgiving

We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house, and my Mommy and Grandma spent all afternoon cooking things that they said were good to eat, like turkey and cranberry sauce. I don't know what all the fuss was about, though, because I didn't get to eat any of it! I liked the smell of the pumpkin bread and the apple crumble, but all I got to eat was milk. Ah well.
I have heard that people are nicer to cute, sweet little babies, so I am practicing being adorable. What do you think?

Maybe next year they will let me have some of the Thanksgiving dinner. Though Mommy says that next year we might be in France, so we will eat a big duck. Quack!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rub a dub dub

I just love getting a bath! I used to scream and cry when my parents were putting me into the bath, and then I cried when they took me out of my bath, but now I know what it's all about - my parents must just love to splash me with water! So I splash and smile and coo while my Daddy washes me with a duckie bath glove. And then afterwards I get to be dried off in a big towel. That is fun too!

But I am almost too big for my bathtub already. I guess it's time for my parents to move. Then we'll have a really big bathtub!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Mommy didn't take a picture of me today because it is so wet and dark outside, but here is another one she took yesterday. I think it shows my serious, contemplative side.

Today we went to see the doctor, and he seemed pretty nice - until he took out some big needles to stab me with! But I was very good and I hardly cried at all.

I now weigh 12 lbs and 2 oz! The nurse always thinks I'm shorter than my parents do...She says I am only 23 and a quarter inches long. Hmmph!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Let's boogie!

Dans edelim!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My first espresso

I went to a café today to pick up girls with my Daddy and my Uncle Didier. They were all too old for me though. Ah well. I was the cutest guy around, anyway. I'm a real head-turner - I am even learning how to turn my own head!

Note to grandmothers: no hot beverages were used in the taking of this photo.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Swing's the Thing

After a tough day, I just love to relax in my swing.

I now weigh around 11 and a half pounds and I am about 24 inches tall! That's two whole feet.

Speaking of which, check out my stripey socks!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


It's cold out there! Make sure your mommy bundles you up before taking you for a ride!

The best outfit is one that tastes good too! Here I am sporting a gourmet homemade nid d'ange from France. Don't I look like a little angel?

I got two passports yesterday! Now I can go anywhere!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ladybug, anyone?

Does anyone know what ladybug tastes like?

Daddy says I shouldn't eat insects, and I should focus on catching and eating my "piaf" instead. But the ladybug look so tasty. I bet it tastes like a big strawberry! Or even better...milk! I think everything should taste like milk.

Anyway, I am going to catch this one and eat it soon, so I'll let you know.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I went to my first party last night. I was quite a hit with the ladies!

For anyone who's keeping track, I now weigh 10 lbs and 11 ounces.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Giraffe Attack!

My aunt Barbara and Uncle Rob sent me this cute giraffe, but when I grabbed its arm it attacked me! I'm not sure what's going on. It sits there very calmly, and then every time I grab it it jumps on top of me again.

I am almost sleeping through the night now! Meaning - I slept for 4.5 hours once last night, and then again for another 4.5 hours! So since my Daddy agreed to give me a bottle at midnight, my Mommy got to sleep for the whole night for the first time since I was born. She seems happy about that. I don't know what the big deal is. Getting up in the middle of the night to eat and play is fun!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


For Halloween, I decided to forego all the animal and pumpkin costumes, and to dress up as fear itself. That is, after all, the greatest thing you have to fear.

Mwa ha ha.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Growing and Growing

I am getting bigger and bigger every day. Soon I will need a whole new set of clothes!

Now I like to look at things around me, especially the big Indian tapestry in our apartment. But my favorite thing is still when my Daddy sings me to sleep!

Some people have been asking why I don't write in French. I may work on that soon. But I am waiting for my parents to get me an AZERTY keyboard. Honestly, I can't work under these conditions!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Six weeks old!

My, how time flies. Just yesterday I was a tiny infant, and today I am a slightly larger infant! Here I am with Daddy, looking very sleepy.

My principal occupation right now is grabbing things and holding onto them. I like to grab clothes, especially Mabé's scarf and Mommy's shirt. And when Daddy is not wearing a shirt I can grab his skin, which is especially fun. Soon I will be able to hitchhike on any sort of creature, especially furry ones, and not be so dependent on my parents for transportation.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rainy Weekend

Yesterday I grabbed the ring that holds my ladybug toy and held it for a long time! Once I caught the little bugger I didn't want to let him go. But eventually I had to, and he started flying around again. Today it is harder to practice because there is no heat in my apartment and my parents keep trying to cover my hands to keep them warm.

I have started making new sounds, mostly coos and a few satisfied sighs. I am working up to something more communicative, but my parents are so hopeless at distinguishing between my cries that I am not sure it is really worth it.

In other news, my parents are working on getting a picture of me in which my eyes are actually open. But they are not very skilled at that. Here is my old picture back, by request!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Runaway Bunny

My grandparents bought me a book called "The Runaway Bunny." It is about a bunny that wants to run away from his mother. I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, I think it would be fun to run away. On the other hand, it is pretty nice here in New York. I have a fairly comfortable life, with plenty of things to do, like tummy time and ladybug-watching. But then, Grandma Joan says she would like to kidnap me and take me to California with her. That could be fun. I will have to weigh my options very carefully. I think I will sleep on it.

Noe's Note of the Day

Here I am with my Grandma Joan. She likes to take pictures with me. Do you think I look like her? I am frowning here, which I am already very good at, but I am also working on learning how to smile...but I'm saving it for a day when I am really, truly happy. For this to happen, several conditions must be met. First, I must be very, very full. My mommy had better feed me lots and lots of milk, and she'd better consume some wine and cheese (and not just *any* cheese) before she does it. Secondly, my grandmother had better do a diaper check to make sure my parents have been keeping me properly clean. Thirdly, they'd better dress me in a cute outfit, because I just know everyone will want to take my picture, and I want to look my best. You should see the pictures they took for my passport! Blech!