Monday, November 9, 2009

Les Petits Poissons

My favorite thing at the garderie is singing time. We sing songs about big and small things. Here I am singing one of my favorite songs. Sometimes I sing this song to Lucia while she is having her bath.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lucia has a blog!

Lucia decided my blog wasn't good enough for her and she wanted her own! You can see it at

I guess that means I can use my blog to talk about me! I have been learning lots and lots of new things, like how to stand on my head, how to draw a dog, how to count to five, and how to clean.

I have also been going to a new halte-garderie with new toys. I wasn't so sure about it at first but now I like it. I have learned lots of new songs there, and they're all in French! I like to sing "les petits poissons" for Lucia when she is in her bath. She likes it!

I don't have any new pictures right now, but I thought I should share this picture of me with my birthday cake!

I love blowing out candles!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Snack Time

It's always fun to have company when you eat!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I took some more pictures of my little sister. She isn't big enough to play with me yet, but she likes to watch me!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Baby Sister

We went to the hospital today to pick up Mommy and my new baby sister. Her name is Lucia Violette and she is very small and very pretty. She was born on Tuesday, September 15th, at 7:17 am, just two days before my birthday, but she had to stay in the hospital until Saturday. Now I am very happy to have her and Mommy home so we can all play together. I love her very much!

Monday, August 3, 2009

More Animals

Here is another animal I saw on my travels. This time I was in Delaware. I got to pet it too!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Back Home

Well, I know it's been a long time since I updated my blog, but what can you expect from a world traveler like me? I've been very busy traveling around the globe, but now I am back in Toulouse, so I have a little time to spare. I don't have time to tell you about everything now, of course, so to start I'll give you just a little sample of the animals I met on my travels.

Here is something that Canadians seem to think is a bunny. Don't they know what real bunnies look like?

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Playground

It's been a long time since I updated my blog, I know, but I have been very busy. I have been learning how to do a lot of things, like eat all by myself. I don't like Mommy and Daddy to feed me anymore. I like to sit at the table and eat with my very own spoon, even if I do put my food everywhere. My favorite foods right now are strawberries, apples, and "nananas."

Last week Mommy and Daddy took me to see some wow-wows. There were small ones like Léo, and big ones with lots of fur, and really big ones that Daddy said weren't dogs but horses. I got to pet their manes. They are very tall, much bigger than me!

Besides "wow-wow," my favorite word is "ball." I love balls. I can throw them and kick them. Sometimes I try to catch them too but that is harder. I also like to say "papa" and see who answers!

Last weekend I got my first kiss from a girl! Her name is Maya and she is almost the same age as me. We went on the merry-go-round together. I love the merry-go-round. So far, I have ridden on the boat, the giant ant, and the horse. Other kids cry because they are scared, but not me! I am not scared of everything, though Mommy says maybe it would be good to be just a little scared once in a while. Besides the merry-go-round, I like to go on slides, swings, the spinning toys, the bouncy animals, and the see-saw. But my favorite thing is still running away to see if I can find balls or wow-wows!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Still a Dancing Bunny

I'm getting to be a big boy, but I still love to dance!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The World's Best...

So, the other day I mentioned that I got a new t-shirt that says I'm the world's best. But today I went to see my friends, and we went outside to play in the garden. It was nice and sunny, so I got to wear my t-shirt again. And when I turned around, my friend Elliot told me that my t-shirt had something else written on the back.

Apparently I'm not just the world's best bunny...

Can anyone explain to me what that means?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

dans mon jardin

Spring is coming, so I am spending more time in the garden. I have lots of work to do, like mowing the lawn, watering the plants, moving pots and pebbles around, and throwing a big ball in the air. I not only take care of my garden, but Isabelle's garden too!

Now that the weather is getting nicer, I get to wear summer clothes, like this new t-shirt. Mommy and Daddy got it for because I'm the best!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I had fun in the snow. It is white and cold. And if you sit in a sled you can go very fast!

Mommy and Daddy said I am not old enough to ski yet. Maybe next year they will let me go up the big ski lift and go swish swish down the mountain. For now, sledding was fun!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Spaghetti Symphony

Daddy put doors on all the cupboards in the kitchen. And he made it so I can't open them anymore! I'm very mad about that. I used to like to go into the kitchen to get spaghetti so that I could prepare for my future career as an orchestra conductor!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My New Pet

I thought it would be nice to have a dog like Léo, but Mommy thought a baby cheetah was a better idea. He is almost as fast as me!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dancing Bunny

I love to dance. I like all kinds of music (especially Sesame Street music), but sometimes I also like to get a little funky.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Vacation

Sometimes you need to take a break from it all, even your parents. So I decided to send them away for a week so that I could spend some time with Mabé and Papé. They have a big house with a garden, a swing set, and a slide. One of the best things at their house is a special climbing toy called "steps." I learned how to go down the steps by crawling backwards, which the grown-ups say is safer. I never see them doing it, though.

I also like to play with my good friend Léo. Léo is a dog or, as he says un chien. He is furry and has a tail and funny ears. I like to chase him around. I think he likes me too, but I have to be very gentle with him or else he runs away. I think dogs are fun!

Here I am standing in Léo's bed. It is the right size for me, too! I didn't get to sleep in it, though.